Thursday, May 26, 2011

“If you have to be in a soap opera try not to get the worst role” ~Judy Garland

Maybe I'm just naive, but I miss the days of primetime television that wasn't about sex. I would like to examine some of my favorite primetime shows and question why writers are no longer able to come up with refreshing content that doesn't involve complicated relationships (for the moment, I shall ignore the entire genre of "reality TV" because I don't even consider that television).

Friends: Where to start? This show was so filled with everyone sleeping with everyone else that -- in my humble opinion -- it started to ruin the show. What could be an extremely funny concept (i.e., Joey sleeping with Rachel) is always tainted by the thought of "Oh my gosh! But how will this affect _____'s relationship with ______ (fill in the blanks)??" After about the seventh season, it was no longer a comedy; it was strictly a serial love drama.

Scrubs: See Friends. Started funny, ended up trying to make us care too much about the characters.

Lost: What an amazing show! New concept, very gripping, this show kept us all entranced for years! But then, of course, it ultimately ended up being about the love triangle between Jack and Kate and Sawyer... and Juliet? (Would that be a love parallelogram?) How were Sawyer and Juliet even believable as a couple anyway? But we finally ended up with two different couples in two different decades and everyone was happy... until they brought Kate back to tempt him. *sigh* Who cares? Just tell us who the man in black is, already!

Fringe (a.k.a. X-Files II): Another fantastic show, pushing the boundaries of our imaginations into other worlds and other possibilities. It starts out with Olivia in a relationship with John (her partner), but then he dies in, like, the third episode and from there the show just got better and better. Until Peter slept with Oliviernate thinking it was Olivia, and then Olivia found out and hated him, and then slept with him anyway, and now Peter has to choose between the Olivias, and Oliviernate is pregnant with Peter's child... There are now whole episodes that have no fringe science concepts in them at all -- only interpersonal drama. *snooze*

The Big Bang Theory: See Friends. Started out funny; still funny for the most part; I give it two more years. They are only in the fourth season, and already the interweaving is beginning. Penny and Leonard, on again, off again, on again -- can you say "Rachel and Ross?" And then Penny slept with Rajesh?? Who believed that tripe? I threw up a little bit in the back of my mouth watching it. If Sheldon sleeps with anybody I'm finished watching that show for good.

Grey's Anatomy: For the sake of screen space, I won't even begin to try and unravel the twisted web of sex and lies in this show. Suffice it to say that if Torres doesn't have some horrible disease by now, it's only because she's stealing powerful antibiotics from the hospital pharmacy. Someday I'll dedicate an entire blog to proving that, within three degrees of connection, she has slept with every single person on that entire show.

CSI: One of the harder shows for me to criticize, the writers here have chosen to show more and more graphic violence to make up for the lack of trysts. They have an interesting way of creating on-screen romances, right before "killing off" one of the lovers. Nick and Kristi were cute, and then she died. We don't find out Grissom and Sara are couple until two years into it, and since then one of them has consistently been in Costa Rica. Hodges and Wendy have a (VERY bizarre) relationship-type-thing, and then she leaves for Portland with no notice.

Bones: Booth and Bones, Booth and Cam, Hodgins and Angela... *yawn* Stop getting people pregnant already and show us more burn victims!

This bombastic post has gotten so long even I'm bored of it. The point I'm trying to make is: what happened to the good shows? What happened to Alf, Mork and Mindy, MASH, The Cosby Show, Married with Children, King of Queens? Why do we even HAVE shows like Modern Family and That 70's Show?

1 comment:

  1. The good shows are gone, a relic of the past! We have canceled cable and only miss it when there is a game on we can't watch...
