Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Patience is a virgin" ~Unknown

We've all done it. Every one of us has purchased something online -- like pizza or movie tickets or... something wrapped in copious amounts of opaque plastic. Or whatever. Somehow we ended up on an email mailing list that we didn't want to be on.

This rant is not about the annoyance of email spam. That topic has already been beaten to a pulp by a substantial number of annoying bloggers. Unlike me, who am not annoying. Also not really all that substantial. Substantive, maybe. But I digress.

Email spam is annoying, true, but it is also requisite. Consumers must be told about the upcoming attractive offers. This is a fundamental tradition that has been celebrated since time immemorial. Before email spam there was telemarketing. Before that was snail-mail spam. Before that was... annoying people talking to you.

No, I recognize and applaud the dutiful marketers who write these trash-bound gems. My beef is with the idiots who think it takes a full ten days to unsubscribe! When I try to opt-out and am taken to the obligatory page (where I often have to re-enter my email address -- as if they don't know it already) and click 'Remove me,' WHY ON EARTH does it take 7-10 business days to remove me from the mailing list?? All that must be done is to connect to the database, delete kninsa@gmail.com, and then close the database. What are they doing, sending a post-it note to the software department and waiting until they come back from vacation?

It was faster back when I could just hang up.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I agree. Hanging up was sooo much easier. I just report all those people as spam to my gmail account. Let Google go after them.
