Thursday, July 14, 2011

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly" ~Thomas Paine

I believe in the value of work. I am not afraid to dig into a difficult project or situation and give it a go. But I draw the line at difficult things that are difficult for no other reason than just to be frustratingly difficult. Like gas pumps.

Not to give away my age, but I am old enough to remember pre-digital gas pumps. I was driving (and paying for my own gas) by the time credit-card-ready gas pumps hit the market. I remember sighing with relief the first time I paid for my gas and drove away without having to enter the convenience store and look like a moron when the pubescent behind the counter asked what number pump I was using -- and I not know. Those were beautiful, simple times -- a summer of enjoyment. We drove across town to use that gas station, just to save the three minutes it took to pay.

Fast forward to... today. I filled my gas tank this morning; it was not beautiful, nor simple. In fact, it made me extremely irritable -- not to mention late for work. Gone are the days of entering your credit card and pumping gas. Now, you have to work your way through the list of options:

- Enter your credit card
- Enter your rewards card, or press 'Cancel'
- Enter your 5-digit ZIP, and press 'Enter'
- Would you like a car wash? Press 'Yes' or 'No'
- Would you like a receipt? Press 'Yes' or 'No'
- Save the economy. Please do not top off your tank. Press 'OK'

15 years later, I honestly thought we'd have fully automated gas stations, where I wouldn't even have to get out of my car. But instead, I'm finding myself spending longer and longer out in the cold, trying to get through the menu of gas-options. So long, in fact, that I've seen gas stations that play the news on tiny 2-inch screens to keep you entertained while you slowly freeze to death.


  1. The tvs bug me because in the middle of the news report the switch back to your gas transaction because the tank is full. Why even bother?

  2. Loving your blog! :) Gas stations aren't too bothersome to me, except the ones that take too long to dispense fuel, you know, the trickle instead of the stream?? My big complaint is directed at the grocery stores that take 8 years to get through the check-out line!! What is the hold up and why can't we open another register...or two or three?? (I have left a full cart and just walked out before).
